Parents' Council AGM, Storytelling Southeast Events, Sports News
3rd October 2011
Parents' Council AGM
It was very heartening to see such a large number of parents for the AGM – a real indication of the support and loyalty of our parent cohort. Teresa Daly, Denise O’Brien and Michael Sheehan accepted nominations to stay on as Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary respectively. We are extremely appreciative of the hard work and commitment of our parent’s council. We would like to extend a warm welcome to the new parents who have joined this year.
Colette Power (Deputy Principal) thanked June Hayes and Michelle Dwyer for their loyalty to the Ard Scoil and who resigned from the Parent’s Council this year as their daughters completed the Leaving Cert. In her address she gave particular mention to the Careers’s Night organised by the Parent’s Council. A lot of team work and effort was involved, she said, and it was of huge benefit to the students.
She wished Teresa Daly and her new committee and their daughters every success for the new academic year.
Storytelling South East Festival: Cinema Visit
On Thursday and Friday of last week the senior classes had a great treat! They attended the local cinema to view two films, Inside I’m Dancing and Ballroom of Romance. Luckily the sixth year students will be using one of these movies in their exams next June, and they were delighted to hear the analysis Bo Mandeville gave in his introduction. The fifth years enjoyed the insights about the Good Old Days in Ballroom of Romance, but would not swap the modern movie club scene for “old-fashioned romance”.
Storytelling South East: Visit from Concept Designer Dermot Power
Friday the 30th of September, concept artist Dermot Power came to our school to talk to all the 4th year students and the 5th and 6th year art students, in conjunction with the Storytelling South East Festival.
Dermot explained to us that a concept artist draws up ideas for the film director before any of the cast is even chosen, so that they can have an idea how much the movie will cost! The drawings can be on the environment of the movie, props, the cast and costumes.
All of the drawings are digitally made on the computer and nothing is drawn or painted on paper! Dermot himself has worked on huge productions such as Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. He also worked on three of the Harry Potter movies, on Star Wars Episode II and many many more famous movies. Overall this was a very interesting talk. You can view his work on
Davina Muntjewerff
Sinead Bannett
Congratulations to the first and second year students who came second at the JB White West Waterford Primary and Secondary Schools Cross Country meet.
The Junior D camogie team had their first outing last Wednesday, the 28th of Sept. They reached the semi final of a Waterford Schools Blitz Competition. Well done to all involved, especially the 1st year students who were playing for the Ard Scoil for the first time.